All Categories - Christian Witches
2023年5月10日 ·
Discovering Christian Witches When I first found Reverend Valerie and the Christian Witches...
2022年9月12日 ·
The word WITCH is one of the scariest words in the English language. Say it and people recoil in...
There are only 3-4 things I've heard Christians say to Christian Witches... First, I'll state...
2022年6月14日 ·
Before sharing with you pics and details of the Christian Witches Convention 2022 in New Orleans,...
First Ever Robing Ceremony! Before sharing the deliciousness of the first ever Robing Ceremony...
Catholic Conjure: An Interview With Michael Therese McQueen of Sacred Eyes Tarot I had never...
Did You Ever Wonder... Why there was a mean God at the front of the Bible (Old Testament) and a...
Your 6-Part Birth Code Your entry point into this 3rd dimensional reality was carefully...
The Bible Is NOT What You Think It Is This morning while doing research for the next episode of...
2021年3月12日 ·
Christians Have Been Lied To... With all due respect to all people of all faith walks and...
2021年2月27日 ·
The Witches Anthem Dear humanity, While you cower in fear of me, know that I am not who you...
2020年11月9日 ·
Being honest with you, I had challenges with angel magick. Not because I couldn’t speak to angels...
The question has come up quite a bit about the meaning of the word ‘Christian’ in the term...
My Genesis My mother stuck a Bible in my hands when I was about 3. It came with a host of...
Your ASHE You have a sacred magick all your own, which forms your magickal fingerprint. No one...
As a Christian Witch, there was an ultimate decision before me. But first, a story... I had...
It's one thing to be a Christian Witch. It's a whole other thing to 'codify' what that means for...