How to Work With the Saints in Catholic Conjure & Catholic Folk Magic

Magickal Inspiration for the Practicing Christian Witch

· Catholic Conjure,Catholic Magick,Saintly Magick,Rituals

Catholic Conjure: An Interview With Michael Therese McQueen of Sacred Eyes Tarot

I had never heard of Catholic Conjure or Catholic Folk Magic until I met Michael Therese McQueen of Sacred Eyes Tarot. My eyes were opened. The conversation was riveting, with Michael recounting his religious background, including the Southern Baptist tradition, Catholicism and, somewhat surprisingly, Shintoism.

On top of the rich tapestry of ritual background he wove during his years in Catholic school, he's developed deep and powerful relationships with the Saints, who aid him in his work as a Catholic Folk Magic practitioner, particularly from his Patron, Saint Lucy, whom his Tarot practice is named for.

Micheal teaches how to develop relationships with the Saints as powerful magickal allies, not unlike Orishas or ancestors or any deities you may work with. He also reminds us that Saints were once human, so they understand us well.

The interview is in 2 parts if you'd like to catch the whole convo (well worth it!).

Part 1 is the audio portion of the interview from our live Clubhouse room and is on the Christian Witches podcast HERE.

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Part 2 of the interview is on the Christian Witches YouTube Channel (subscribe, like and share while you're there!) Watch and keep an eye out in the video for the beautiful shadow boxes he creates honoring the Saints:

After the eye-opening conversation with Michael, you just may be inspired to start developing relationships with the Saints for a powerful amp UP to your magic!

Michael offers Tarot readings and candle services at his website.

Blessed Be,

Rev. Valerie Love (aka KAISI)

Rev. Valerie Love is the author of 24 books on practical spirituality, magick, the occult and Christian Witchcraft and is the Founder of the Covenant of Christian Witches Mystery School in the Solomonic Tradition (CCW for short). Explore the Christian Witchcraft series of books intentionally designed for you... the practicing Christian Witch.

(Oh and if you've read any of the books, would you kindly leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads? Thanks beyond the moon!)