
    Announcing a Coven For Kick-A Christian Witches! It's the:


    You Can Find Out About the Coven & How It Works Below...


    A Coven for holistic healing, magickal community and to amp up your Christian Witchcraft and Bible Magick in a safe space for powerhouse witches.

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  • Why the Coven?

    If you're a witch out loud in the world (or even if you're not there yet) you know that belonging to a community of powerhouse witches is CRITICAL to your success in conscious creation and manifestion of your HIGHEST CALLING & MOST MAGNIFICENT EXPRESSION by using magick and the craft to invite in:


    Health, Wealth, Love & Soul Purpose


    You also know you can go no higher than you are willing to go deeper...


    within yourself...


    uncovering the shadow and all that lurks there...


    to ASCEND to your rightful PINNACLE of EXCELLENCE & INFINITE POTENTIAL EXPRESSED and commit to forever release:

    • littleness
    • shrinking
    • invisibility
    • hiding
    • playing small
    • playing not to lose (rather than playing to WIN)
    • confusion
    • ineptitude
    • fear (in all its forms, to include resistance to your own good, impatience, rushing, 'last minute' etc.)
    • self-sabotage
    • guilt
    • shame
    • unworthiness
    • undeservedness
    • loneliness
    • boredom
    • inability to be still or meditate
    • mediocrity and living far below your infinite potential


    That can all be over.


    If you decide.


    If that wasn't enough, the Coven provides and equips you to be a sovereign witch in the world, and is a cauldron in which you alchemicalize your consciousness and:

    • understand how to integrate your practice of magick & witchcraft with a background in Christianity or in attunement with Christ Consciousness...
    • obtain mastery in the practice of Bible Magick...
    • discover how to apply MAGICK to your life, business, relationships, health & soul purpose...
    • develop the COURAGE to stand powerfully as a WITCH who does potent work in the world without apology (no matter what people say)...
    • understand how to respond to those who don't understand your path (or haters, or detractors, of which you may have already encountered)...
    • develop a working knowledge of entities (both those who have a negative impact and those who exert positive influences) and what to do with both...
    • develop relationships with and learn how to safely and effectively contact spirits and entities for your healing work and on behalf of others for ASCENSION...
    • sharpen your magickal powers, to include TELEPATHY, PSYCHIC ABILITIES, DREAM RECALL, and more...
    • ignite your RITUALS with an energy of ascension and success!

    The Isis Arising Coven welcomes you to apply & attend the live Intro Session. Details are below...


  • How It Works...


    Welcome to the ISIS ARISING COVEN for YOU as a witch who knows that doing the deep, holistic healing work is vital to our ascension as witches, and the full expression of our gifts in the world.


    We can't get around healing the deep, dark issues no one wants to look at, but that must be addressed and resolved for ultimate success and ascending to unfathomed and unimagined pinnacles of inifinite power and creativity expressed in full glory.


    The Isis Arising Coven is the cauldron where that deep healing work can be done, with magickal results that include: greater financial abundance, beautiful relationships, dream businesses, and powerful magick for all you desire.


    Ultimately, the Coven is both practical (in equipping you as a witch to handle earthly considerations) and esoteric (in helping each witch ASCEND by engaging in the Great Work).


    There's never been a Coven like this, and we're proud to introduce it to you!


    There are 5 components of the coven:


    Training + Subscription Box + Community + Money + Rituals = ISIS ARISING COVEN

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    In Depth Training

    Live classes focus on HOLISTIC HEALING with essential oils, specific uses of each oil, how to heal inner wounds, plant medicines, space clearing and getting rid of negative energies and unwanted energies + coaching...

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    Subscription Box

    Every other subscription box out there contains items that SOMEONE ELSE PICKED for you. This is radically different... YOU GET TO PICK OUT YOUR OWN subscription box items each month...

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    Community of Witches

    You could go it alone, but you've already done that and you know it doesn't work on the healing journey, hence this coven. TOGETHER we form an unstoppable force of infinite power.

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    Financial Abundance

    With our referral bonuses and affiliate links, you'll earn ongoing commissions from each witch or magickal practitioner you refer to the coven, producing recurring revenue.

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    Live Rituals

    You'll receive an exclusive invite to our in-person Spring & Fall Equinox and Summer & Winter Solstice Rituals conducted all over the globe in magickal hotspots like Sedona, Egypt, Peru, Mexico, New Orleans, Salem and more. As a member of the Isis Arising Coven, you receive special pricing on all events, retreats and in person rituals.

  • Investment In This Program For Your Radical Transformation, Deep Healing, A Community of Powerhouse Witches & Your Subscription Box of Essential Oils is Only $149/Month


    *You can receive your Coven membership free after your first 3 months of membership.*

    (We'll tell you how in the live Intro Session.)


    Space in the Isis Arising Coven is limited to a select few.

    Move forward with intention...



    If the ISIS ARISING COVEN resonates with you, and you know it's exactly what you require for your next level of transformation, expression of your Witchy gifts in the world, and financial abundance,

    here are your next 2 steps:


    1. - Fill out the brief application below.

    2. - Watch the INTRO VIDEO on the next page.


    After watching the Intro Video, you can book a call.


    If you choose to move forward, we'll get your account set up and prepare you to start this amazing journey with us!


    After you complete this brief application, you'll be directed to the page with access to the INTRO VIDEO.

    (Watch the video immediately and then book a call with us to move forward.)